Kirdow's website
Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions
AccuLink: Privacy Policy
AccuLink: Terms & Conditions
Legal Information Copied!
This section is for the Terms & Condition and Privacy Policy for the main page, and other services offered on including but not limited to AccuLink.
Follow the navigation on the left to read each agreement, and read below for a few summaries of the different documents you're taking part of.
NOTE: This page is not the full agreement but a brief summary of what to expect in the mentioned documents, for the actual legal agreements, see the pages linked on the left.
Main Page Copied!
These two agreements relates to all of, some parts of may have a specific agreement, but those are still bound by the main agreement.
Terms & Conditions Copied!
This agreement affect what you can do on our site, and what rights Kirdow has on your account and user experience when using our site. It affects how, when and why we can do various things etc...
Privacy Policy Copied!
This agreement affect what we can do with the data you provide, and what rights you have as an owner of the data, what we use them for and what we can do with it and who we share it with.
AccuLink Copied!
This section is for the agreements that exist specifically for AccuLink. It shows what data is collected and what right both us and you have when it comes specifically to the AccuLink service.
Terms & Conditions Copied!
This agreement affect what you can do with AccuLink, what right Kirdow and you have with your account and who has the responsibility about things related to the AccuLink service.
Privacy Policy Copied!
This agreement affect what data we store when you provide and use data around AccuLink, and what rights you have in relation to such data and what both parties can do with it, and why.
Contact Copied!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by sending us an email.